Monday, 25 February 2013

Questionnaire Analysis

The respondents to my questionnaire were as varied as possible:

- Gemma Cox aged 17
- Connor Slevin aged 17
 - Simona Rubakova aged 17
- Amber Goonersekera aged 18
- Gerard Durkan aged 20
- Aisling Beamish aged 21
- Indi Hull aged 22        

- Stefan Hodge aged 25  
 - Sarah Garrison aged 29

General analysis of the answers I received:
The opening question of my questionnaire enquired the age the age of my respondents and I ensured that the age range I used was varied which to match my target audience. When asked what genre of film do they prefer many selected the choice of horror, however in addition to this they also selected other genres like comedy, which signifies most of them enjoy and appreciate watching a wide range of films.

The third question asked what is your favourite horror film and why; expectedly the information I received was not easily comparable as each of the films have the contrasting narratives however the plots do feature some of the same conventions such as dark colour schemes, a fast montage of shots. Some of the films named in the answers were Wolf Creek, The Ring, Orphan, and Paranormal activity 3 and The Uninvited.

The fifth question asked the target audience what features within their favourite horror film caught their attention and kept them intrigued. There was an element that was apparent in many of the answers which was the use of a fast editing that lead the audience to feel uneasy. One element that many of the respondents seemed to also allure was the sense of reality that was depicted within the horror movie e.g. In the Supernatural horror Paranormal Activity 3 the main characters are two young sisters. The girls are portrayed as innocent and vulnerable; therefore seem like an easy target for the haunting spirits. Moreover, the fact that the film is evidently filmed with a hand held camera reinforces the feel of real life action and a family’s regular evening routine.
A film poster is a key element used when advertising a film that is soon to be released either in the Cinema or on DVD. The respondents of the questionnaire were asked, what in particular on their given film poster caught their eye. May it have been the main image, the colours, the text or a different symbolic convention? A popular feature used on film posters; that the audience claimed to like was the images that feature a large empty background and a smaller attractive element e.g. a person, an object etc. In general they believe that these types of images should act as a cliff hanger and leave them wondering what the narrative of the film entails.
The response to the eighth question; I found to be very positive. I was able to conclude from the answers provided that many of the respondents watch films usually at cinema or on DVD that they have purchased or possibly borrowed. This therefore signified to me that it must be harder to watch/assess films on YouTube and the internet in general, as those options within the multiple choice answer were not selected.

The closing question asked what type of colours and images do they believe clearly represent, that a film poster or a film trailer is advertising the horror genre. Overall the feedback was strong. They explained colours like black, grey, white and red are effective and used to symbolise horror. In addition they believe that imagery of danger, despair, mystery, violence and upset, is typically horrific imagery.

 Evidence of the feedback I recieved is illustrated below:


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